Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle

Armstrong Watson and Clydesdale Bank would like to invite you to the next of our regular series of Breakfast Briefings For the Legal Services Market in Carlisle. 

As with our previous events, invites are restricted to key decision makers within key regional firms. Our intention is to hold these events for a select group of no more than 20 regular attendees. That way we can attract high quality nationally recognised speakers to present on law firm management issues. 

Grow loyal, profitable clients by adding value to their experience 

Most law firms want to do more to stand out from competitors by managing relationships with clients, introducers of work, business partners and prospects more effectively; but what more, different and better can be done now to make this meaningful for you and your clients? 

Client expectations are changing due to developments in IT, working practices, rinancial pressures, lifestyles, social changes and more, both in business and the personal lives of their owners and managers - so what they value is also changing. Lawyers need a joined up game plan across the practice to respond effectively, so what key changes should you make to achieve this? 

We will explore some key new (and some not so new) initiatives and supporting tools to help you produce better results, faster, as the sector becomes more accepting of the need to respond pro-actively to produce more of what clients, introducers and new prospects want to pay for. 

To help join the dots, we will look at how to: 

  • Identify what clients value now and want to change for the Future 
  • Develop or refresh a practice-wide game plan 
  • Use client information to build relationships and get the right messages out
  • Shift skillsets and roles to meet new expectations - not just from lawyers
  • Generate and build momentum to make new initiatives stick

Date & Time

Date: Wednesday, 3rd October 2018
Time: 8:00am - 10:00am


Clydesdale Bank
325 Kingstown Road