Yorkshire Legal Breakfast Briefing

Huw Nicholls and Sally Jones from Armstrong Watson, Paul Varley from Lloyds Bank and Andy Gray from Dere Street Barristers would like to invite you to our upcoming Breakfast Briefing. This event is part of our regular series for the Legal services market in Yorkshire, and it will be conducted via Teams.

Despite our shift to technology, as with our previous events, invites are still being restricted to key decision makers within key regional firms with a select group of regular attendees.  That way we will still attract high quality nationally recognised speakers to present on law firm management issues.

For the love of lawyering – how to balance being a lawyer with the business of lawyering (and have time left over)

Do you keep promising yourself that tomorrow you will definitely:

  1. Think more positively
  2. Implement new time management skills
  3. Be calmer and more assertive in certain situations
  4. Have more control of your diary
  5. Make space in your day
  6. Finally do the thing that you keep putting off
  7. Respond differently to certain people or situations
  8. Feel consistently self-confident, and above all else
  9. Enjoy your day!?

You are not alone.

You will leave with tools to help you improve your satisfaction and performance at work, feel more like the authentic you, and ultimately, support you to achieve your short-term and long-term career or firm ambitions.

Our guest speaker has personal experience as a practising solicitor, and partner, for 20 years, alongside 6 years of coaching lawyers. Our speaker knows that beyond skills and intentions, certain inner considerations need to be tweaked, to change how we act, react, and experience, the day to day of being a lawyer.

Speaker Profile - Simona Hamblet 

A former employment law solicitor and partner, Simona Hamblet is a coach, trainer, speaker, and hypnotherapist for partners, senior lawyers, and law firm owners.

Utilising psychology, mindset, emotional intelligence, alongside practical and behavioural skills. Simona works with lawyers, helping them to achieve goals for their firms, careers, and personal lives.

Date & Time

Date: Tuesday, 11th June 2024
Time: 9:00 – 10:30 via Teams

Registration details

We would be delighted if you are able to attend, to secure your free place, please sign up via email to dawn.smith@armstrongwatson.co.uk.  Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.   We are allowing 90 minutes for this session.