Breakfast Briefings


Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - The Future of Law Firm Enquiries: Technology and Strategy

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Value Pricing and 'Ditching the billable hour

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - Value Pricing and 'Ditching the billable hour'

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - AI - Prompts for Prompting

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - Value Pricing and 'Ditching the billable hour'

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Introduction to Change Management via the Eight P Point Plan

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Yorkshire - How to balance being a lawyer with the business of lawyering

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Navigating the Intersection of AI and Legal Practice

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - How to balance being a lawyer with the business of lawyering

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - How to balance being a lawyer with the business of lawyering

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Generate more from your existing client base

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Yorkshire - Factors Shaping the Economy and Investment Markets

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Generate more from your existing client base

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - Factors Shaping the Economy and Investment Markets

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - Factors Shaping the Economy and Investment Markets

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Yorkshire - Tackling today’s industry challenges

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - Tackling today’s industry challenges

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Practical ways to sustain first-rate customer experience

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - Tackling today’s industry challenges

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Yorkshire - An insight into change in the legal sector: why, what and how

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - An insight into change in the legal sector: why, what and how

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Understanding the potential impact of economic changes on your law firm

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - An insight into change in the legal sector: why, what and how

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Yorkshire - Becoming a heroic professional

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Tackling today’s industry challenges

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - Becoming a heroic professional

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Tackling today's industry challenges

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - Becoming a heroic professional

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Yorkshire - Growing a law firm

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - North West - Growing a law firm

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Scotland - Grow more loyal, profitable clients

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Becoming a heroic professional

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Growing a law firm

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Creating the Conditions for radical change

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Growing a law firm

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh & Glasgow - Profitable Practice Formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Profitable Practice Formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Growing a law firm

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Profitable Practice Formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Improving law firms 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Creating the conditions for radical change

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Developing succession planning strategies

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Profitable Practice Formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh & Glasgow - Working from Home (WFH): The implications for the legal sector and its talent 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Profitable Practice Formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Planning for the Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Profitable Practice Formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Planning for the Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Marketing

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Improving Law Firms 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh & Glasgow - Developing succession planning strategies

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Maximising Client Advocacy & Business Development Effectiveness

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Maximising Client Advocacy & Business Development Effectiveness

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Planning for the Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Planning for the Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Maximising Client Advocacy & Business Development Effectiveness

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Process management across traditional products within law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Maximising Client Advocacy & Business Development Effectiveness

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh & Glasgow - Process management across traditional products within law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Working From Home - The implications for the legal sector and its talent

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Working From Home - The implications for the legal sector and its talent

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Planning for the Future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Maximising Client Advocacy & Business Development Effectiveness

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Working From Home - The implications for the legal sector and its talent

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh & Glasgow - Planning For The Future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Working From Home - The implications for the legal sector and its talent

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Acting for vulnerable clients - an opportunity for law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Working From Home - The implications for the legal sector and its talent

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Maximising Client Advocacy & Business Development Effectiveness

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Planning For The Future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Working From Home - The implications for the legal sector and its talent

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Planning For The Future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Marketing Your Law Firm in the Digital Age

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh & Glasgow - Marketing Your Law Firm in the Digital Age

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Acting for vulnerable clients - an opportunity for law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Acting for vulnerable clients - an opportunity for law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Acting for vulnerable clients - an opportunity for law firms 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Acting for vulnerable clients - an opportunity for law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Acting for vulnerable clients - an opportunity for law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Lead generation through social media – securing business growth

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Why law firm mergers fail

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Why law firm mergers fail 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - An insight into change in the legal sector: why, what and how

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Why law firm mergers fail

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Glasgow - Pricing for Profit - and happier clients! 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh - Pricing for Profit - and happier clients!

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Why law firm mergers fail 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Why law firm mergers fail

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Leadership & Managment in a law firm of the future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Leadership & Management in a Law Firm of the Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Developing Succession Planning Strategies to be Competitive

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Glasgow - Foundations for your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Edinburgh - Foundations for your Future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Law Firm Efficiencies

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Price comparison websites – helping law firms grow their business or eroding profits?

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - If people are a law firm’s biggest asset why do they get ignored in M&A transactions?

Legal Sector Breakfast  Briefing - York - Helping Law Firms Grow their Business or Eroding Profits 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - An Insight into change in the Legal sector: why, what & how?

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull -Penny for Improvement

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Why solicitors' non-technical skills are more important 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Notthingham - Foundations for your Future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Profitable practice formula

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Better Law Firm KPIs

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - How to increase the productivity of your People, the efficiency of your Firm and long- term profitability 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Foundations for Your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - How To Herd Cats: A practical guide to achieving your firm's potential 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Leadership & management in a law firm of the future 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Grow loyal, profitable clients and add value to their experience

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Stepping up your digital marketing for client acquisition

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Foundations for your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Pricing for profit - and happier clients!

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Grow loyal, profitable clients and add value to their experience 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - How To Herd Cats: A practical guide to achieving your firm's potential

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Grow loyal, profitable clients and add value to their experience 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - How to Herd Cats: a practical guide to achieving your firm's potential

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Profitable Practice Formula 

Legal Sector Breakfast Brieifng - Nottingham - Stepping up your Digital Marketing for Client Acquisition

Legal Sector Breakfast Brieifng - Newcastle - Stepping up your Digital Marketing for Client Acquisition

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Foundations for your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Stepping up your Digital Marketing for Client Acquisition 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Stepping up your Digital Marketing for Client Acquisition

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Stepping up your Digital Marketing for Client Acquisition

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Foundations for Your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Preston - Foundations for Your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Pricing for profit – and happier clients!

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Foundations for Your Future

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Developing Succession Planning Strategies 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Better Law Firm KPIs

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Better Law Firm KPIs

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Nottingham - Developing Succession Planning Strategies

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Hull - Developing Succession Planning Strategies

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Better Law Firm KPIs 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - York - Pricing for profit – and happier clients!

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Better Law Firm KPIs - actionable information beyond fees and time

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - How to Herd Cats: a practical guide to achieving your firm's potential

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - How to Herd Cats: a practical guide to achieving your firm’s potential

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - How to Herd Cats: a practical guide to achieving your firm’s potential

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - How to Herd Cats: a practical guide to achieving your firm’s potential

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Pricing for Profit and happy clients

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Pricing for profit and happy clients

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Pricing for profit, and happy clients

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Developing Succession Plan Strategies

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Understanding the Risk, Value & Opportunity in WIP

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - How to stay secure in the age of cyber fraud

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Understanding the Risk, Value and Opportunity in WIP

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Lean for Law Firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - OMC Partners Alternative Sourcing: The Benefits and Opportunities

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - OMC Partners Alternative Sourcing 

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - How to get more out of your day, your business and your people

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - The Law Society Financial Stability Toolkit

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - The Law Society Financial Stability Toolkit

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - The Law Society Financial Stability Toolkit

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Solicitors non technical skills

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Solicitors non technical skills

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Planning the strategy

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Newcastle - Through the looking glass

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Planning the strategy with Zenith Chambers

Legal Sector Carlisle Breakfast Briefing - Networking

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Sixth Sence consulting - Staying sane in business

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Lean for law firms

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Financial stability and SRA risk indicators

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Workington - Financial stability

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Dumfries - Driving cash flow and profitability to ensure financial stability

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - Financial stability in context

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - What does lean mean for your law firm?

Carlisle Breakfast Briefing - Forget your website?

Leeds Breakfast Briefing - Covering ABS, summary of structure implications for law firms and example tax savings

Skipton Legal Sector Briefing - Exploring best practice and current issues

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Carlisle - Measure what matters - to build stronger financial performance and to achieve financial stability under OFR

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - The benefits of developing and maintaining a risk aware culture

Legal Sector Breakfast Briefing - Leeds - In partnership with Huthwaite International, covering increasing fee income through service